L.V Trainer white sports shoes (with charm) full size with a box with hoah2store warranty

(3 reviews)


Weight 1kg

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Quận Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội

Hà Nội

Due to factors such as lighting, display color deviation, personal understanding of color and other factors,it is inevitable that there will be a certain degree of color difference between the real object and the picture.

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Product Details

Always update new, diverse designs - Shop promises to always bring you the most satisfactory and perfect fashion products.We sell the cheapest, we sell the best quality.
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• Commit:
1.Return if there is a manufacturing error, wrong size.
2.100% refund if the product is not the same.All products have been carefully selected before providing customers with
3.Delivery time: From 1-3 days depending on the province, district or inner city, Ho Chi Minh City-HN is usually 1-2 days, the province and the district are usually a bit longer.
4.Products include full: box, tag, wrapping paper and accessories
5.Support for exchanging goods if you don't fit.
6.Chat with the shop for advice if needed.22.5cm long, horizontal 8.5cm 41 is 25.5cm long, horizontal 10cm
37 23cm long, horizontal 8.5-9cm 42 26cm long, horizontal 10-10.5cm
38 is 23.5cm long, horizontal 9cm 42cm long 27cm, horizontal 10.5cm

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